Established in 1973, ICBC is a Crown corporation that provides universal insurance to motorists throughout British Columbia. If you or a family member is involved in a car accident or other road accident, it is likely you will need to file a claim with ICBC to recover accident benefits for any medical expenses, property damage and other financial losses you may acquire as a result.
The lawyers of Hambrook & Company can help you properly file an ICBC claim to obtain accident benefits and compensation following a serious accident or personal injury. Established in White Rock in 1966, the firm has represented accident victims and families in Surrey and throughout the Greater Vancouver Area for more than 45 years.
While the process for filing ICBC claims may seem straightforward at first, it can become legally complex, especially if there is a question of which party is at fault for the accident. A Greater Vancouver lawyer with experience handling ICBC claims can help you understand your rights and guide you through the process to obtain all benefits to which you may be entitled.
South Surrey Lawyers for Part 7 Accident Benefits Recovery
Accident benefits, or Part 7 benefits, are available to any injured party regardless of fault, and include compensation for:
- Medical expenses
- Rehabilitation costs
- Wage loss if you must take time off to recover
- Homemaker benefits
- Death benefits and funeral costs, if applicable
If your accident was explicitly or partially caused by another motorist, you may also be entitled to additional compensation for medical and rehabilitative expenses not paid under your own accident benefits. These payments are made from an at-fault motorist's third-party liability coverage or from your own underinsured motorists' policy.
Furthermore, if your injuries resulted in permanent or long-term disability, additional disability benefits may be available to handle the costs of physical aids such as wheelchairs or prosthetics, attendant care or vocational counselling services.
Contact Hambrook & Company
Hambrook & Company understands the claims process and seeks to help clients receive the full benefit of coverage they require. Lawyers of the firm will act as your representative and negotiate with ICBC adjusters and third parties to achieve maximum compensation. For more information, call 604-531-1461 or 604-531-1461 toll free, or contact the firm online to arrange a free initial consultation.